Our ultimate experience is based on our perceptions!
This is so true, so basic, so valid for everything we do in life... yet rarely applied. Too often, we live our lives on auto pilot, thinking we're slaves to our outcomes. It's true, many outcomes are out of our hands, but how we choose to perceive what happens is totally up to us.
What we see, think, believe, and how we talk to ourselves will determine our realities, period. John sees future success when he hits a wall. Kristin sees failure after she runs into that wall. Same wall... two different realities.
Our ultimate experience is based on our perceptions!
Every minute of every day, we have choices that will affect our outcomes. How we decide to look and react to these moments will have an instant impact on our day, creating a long term picture of our lives.
"Man or Boy?" I hammered these two words into my student's unconscious during his session today. He has a choice to react like a man after a bad outcome, or an immature boy. HE GETS TO CHOOSE! His decision will determine who he becomes.
Our ultimate experience is based on our perceptions!
Draw confidence from past successes... or ignore them, and stew on all of our past mistakes? We choose. We're given the power to consciously make that decision. There will always be successes and failures in our lives, but what we decide to focus on will create who we become. Another student had this decision yesterday during her session. After a great shot, her instincts made her focus on the negative: "Why couldn't I do this in my last tournament?" she asked herself. She took a very confident experience, and instantly turned it into a negative. After realizing what she did, she consciously changed how she perceived these moments, creating more confidence, one good shot at a time. When the day was over, she had shot her best round of golf to date.
I see opportunity... what do you see?