Monday, April 30, 2012

Every morning, make a habit of creating new habits. These habits will eventually shape your every day. Too often, we get caught up in our normal way of living ... bad habit after bad habit. The mistake most make is trying to "change those bad habits." Instead, focus only on the new habits you wish to create.

90% of everything we do is habit-based. Take an honest look at your every move, ask yourself what's holding you back, and figure out what new habit will help you turn a corner. Very often, we know what we're doing that's not allowing us to reach another level, but rarely commit to creating something new. This is a decision that must be made before any type of change can manifest. You need to want the new more than you enjoy the comfort of the old.

What new habits will allow you to push past the daily barriers you regularly face? When you wake up tomorrow, what will you do, think, or change in your belief system that you didn't yesterday?


  1. "You need to want the new more than you enjoy the comfort of the old."

    I keep going back to that sentence. Hmmm... a powerful truth in on sentence!

  2. Thanks, Loretta! I had a feeling you'd like that one.

  3. Thanks, Loretta! I had a feeling you'd like that one.
