Sunday, October 4, 2009

It's All About The Quotation Marks...

I was taking my little Logan for a walk Saturday morning, when I began thinking about the "bad" week I've had. I put bad in quotations because it's just another way of saying,

"Hey nimrod~ you live in beautiful Southern California, married to a gorgeous and brilliant woman, have an angelic daughter, love your first two babies (Tango and Smudge kitties), have an awesome job, and are allowed to help a lot of wonderful people. What's so bad about that... nimrod?"

Wow, when I put it like that to myself, it really does put things into perspective.

I took that walk at 10am, and was able to put those quotes around bad at 11:30am ~ as I walked by a homeless man who was talking to himself, witnessed a homeless woman digging through the trash, and saw a teenager with his underfed dog on a street corner, begging for change. 

Did I seriously say I had a "bad" week? Really? I should be ashamed of myself! It's so easy to get wrapped up in the things that we don't have, forgetting everything we DO have. It doesn't matter who we are, where we live, how much money we do/don't have, or any of our specific circumstances... someone is always worse-off! Someone, somewhere would give anything to have our "bad" days, weeks, months and years. 

After walking for awhile, I finally had to stop, pull Logan over to the side, take her out of her stroller and give her a huge kiss. I reminded her to always remember how good we have it and how blessed we are! 

"Look around, sweetie," I said. No, she doesn't speak yet, but she definitely understands me. "You have it made! You have a big roof over your head, clothes to keep you warm, a mommy who adores you, and the most handsome, thoughtful, kind, handsome, selfless, handsome daddy EVER!"

Sure, our lives won't be perfect~ we'll have our ups and downs, laugh a lot, cry a little... but I'll take these "bad" weeks for the rest of my life!!!


Midnight Whisperer said...

Well said Dayne. Things 'could' be better, but they could always be much, much worse.

Michelle Tressa said...

Hi, new reader here.

I love this post. People often forget about humanity and helping others. I help when I can because I'm a firm believer in treating others the way I'd like to be treated. Thanks for posting this and reminding us that things aren't as bad as we think they are.

spldbch said...

Don't be so hard on yourself though -- there's no reason to be ashamed. You caught yourself forgetting to appreciate what you have and immediately changed your mindset. I don't think most people do that.

Great post, as always!

Bruce Coltin said...

Yes, perspective. It can work wonders.

Sarah said...

how true, indeed!

plainolebob said...

Coach Dayne,
Yep it is good, and yep can be much worse, we are so lucky at times, ain't we.
Bess says hi.

Jayne said...

Certainly puts it all into perspective, doesn't it? :c)

Alice in Wonderland said...

I just love all of your writings, Dayne! But I was thinking about this one, and then I thought that even though we all have bad times, and sticky patches in our lives, then these are the things that bind us together and make us stronger.
One day, we look back at these times, and smile that with love, we came through it all...together!
Big Hugs!

Dayne Gingrich said...

I totally agree with you, Alice. These "bad" days can and will make us stronger... but they are still "good" days to many others, yeah?

Perspective, as Bruce and Jayne said, is what it's all about!

Sometimes it takes a little reminder.


we all need our little wake up calls - there are some blogs on here, you should check out go blog yourself - i think she's on my blog roll or nie nie - the first had one of her twins die of cancer at 2 yrs of age, and the other survived a near fatal plane crash permanently disfiguring her forever - i read those blogs and think to myself why on earth am i b*tching that there are toys on the floor or laundry to be done or that i am tired when her baby is dead? i get it. i get it all. we are all blessed. great post!

Sandra Wilkes said...

I have a great friend who reminds me to focus on gratitude...even in the "bad" times. Life is good isn't it. Take care.

Anonymous said...

Gratitude brother - there is is.

Making a space in my life for gratitude has made my life richer and more beautiful.

I wish a lifetime with gratitude as one of it's foundations for us all.

And through minimal, but consistent effort, we can have it.

Dr. Patrice Smith said...

It certainly makes us re-think sometimes about the things we get wound up about. It's always a motto of mine: It could be worse...

Be Happy x!
PS: Thanks for the invite - ready to chat anytime you are (inny)

Matty said...

You really have a great way of putting things in perspective. Thanks for your wisdom.

Missy said...

It is all about perspective.
We are human though. The great thing is that we have a wonderful Father who knows that and loves us no matter where we are in life or how much we complain.

spldbch said...

My first name is Melody:-) Thank you for your comment -- you're absolutely right of course. It's not about the outcome. That's my mantra for today. It's not about the outcome, it's not about the outcome.

Adam said...

So easy to focus on the bad, isn't it? It's funny how we have to train ourselves to focus on all the positive, even though that's what we'd all like be focusing on in the first place.

Carissa(GoodnCrazy) said...

yeah it's all relative eh??

reminds me that my upcoming crazy week isn't that 'bad' either.. just crazy and busy and FILLED with my kids!!!

Dayne Gingrich said...

Thank you all for the comments. It amazing how perspective can change a mindset, isn't it?

We're here to live, experience, grow, and give... hard to to those things when we're living in the past or future negatives.


Dean said...

You have little dust in your eyes Dayne. However, success and happiness are completely separate. Success is a societal perception of material wealth and resources. Biologically speaking if you have enough to live you are fine. However, on an emotional level, Happiness is simply energy. If, you follow the theory of how Physics views energy then "Energy can not be created or destroyed, it can only be harnessed and manipulated.

Dayne, then the question I would have to ask you is where were you channeling that energy that should have been storing up in you as self confidence and well being? You seem to have invested much emotional energy on attachments and commitments in your wonderful life.

But, remember a little healthy detachment can go a long way on making a personal observation on one's self. After all where do emotions come and go to when they arise and fall? They are in us and they are energy. According to what we know about physics that means that we can only manipulate this energy that is with in us. Why do we not always manipulate it to our own benefit and to that of others? To put it simply because we forget that none of the things in existence can create emotional energy. And that all we can do is manipulate it through...

You said it right the first time Dayne

Tom Ryan said...

Hi Dayne

You have a really nice way of putting things. Looking forward to reading more of your material.
Many thanks.

Bendigo said...

Great reminder to all of us...We should all stop and look around at what we have and be thankful.

Keep writing, I'll keep reading :)