We're all afraid to succeed!
Yes we are - you, me, him, her, and all the rest of them. We're afraid to step beyond our way of living, thinking, and believing. Most of us say we're not, but the evidence is clear.
Do some of us figure out HOW to walk towards that next level? Absolutely... but the majority have to be taught how to make it happen. I had to be taught, and still work on this fear on a daily basis. My mindset is challenged regularly, forcing me to focus on the probable future rather than the possible failure.
I'm not arrogant enough to avoid the mirror when making this statement. I'm one of the biggest culprits. I lived 2/3's of my life afraid of success and what it meant, both after and during the process. Achievement meant risk... risk meant failure... therefore, achievement had to mean failure. I was going to avoid that equation at all costs. Most of us do, either consciously or unconsciously.
"Success" simply means new, better, bigger... different. Our instincts try to avoid these new beginnings because of the inevitable short term pain that comes with the discovery. Hiding from bigger and better is a survival instinct. Our brain is doing it's best to shield us from hurt, but one thing I can guarantee: The next level can only arrive after the pain and struggle. Our job is to override this instinct, step past our old belief systems, and create new impulses.
Don't tell me you want success...
do something about it! Risk what you're afraid to risk. Take steps that most tell you will be impossible and a wast of time. Your goal: New, bigger, better, and different. When you say you can't... do! When you think of the potential pain that could result... do! When they say
don't... do!
Do it now before you wish you could've done...