Friday, February 18, 2011

1%! Are You Sure?

I spend the majority of my days talking with people who say they want to learn how to separate from the pack, and dominate their specific field. My first question:

"Are you sure?"

Without exception, they all claim immense hunger, passion, and fire to get it done. As always, I grin knowingly, thinking to myself, "We'll soon see."

It's not by accident, I labeled this journey of separation, "1%!" If it was easy, there would be more than one Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Michael Jordan, or Tiger Woods. They each understand the sacrifice and discipline it takes to separate from the pack; become the 1%.

Are you sure you'll do whatever it takes?

Will you sacrifice your old belief system? Can you stare fear in the face, and laugh outloud at it's useless attempt to hold you back? Will you set loftier goals than most would ever dream of setting? Do you need to reach every goal in order to feel successful... or will the climb be your primary source of fulfillment?

Are you sure?

This post isn't meant to sound negative, but it IS focused at your true motivations; your willingness to let go of past self-limitations. Will you turn away from your former self and those who constantly remind you how difficult it will be to reach your goals?

Are you sure about this 1% thing?


Retta said...

" Will you turn away from your former self and those who constantly remind you how difficult it will be to reach your goals"?

Hey, how did you get inside my head?? I only realized recently that I've been "running with the pack", and letting the struggles, fears, moods and doubts of others affect me... pull me down, and make me doubt myself, and question why I should be any different, to wonder if I am just all full of myself by thinking I could achieve this huge goal, etc etc.

Thank you for this post. It's really making me think... in the right way.


Dayne Gingrich said...

Hi Loretta,

It's tough to always see when we're "running with the pack." Separating is one of THE most difficult things we'll ever do. It can be very lonely at times.

It's 1% for a reason: Tough to accomplish... but worth the ride!!
