Monday, July 26, 2010

We'll Never Know...

To quit or not to quit... that is the question.

To stare fear in the eye, and slap it in it's face... that is our goal.

To watch one obstacle after another keep showing it's face ... "now what" becomes our favorite two words.

Ignoring the negative voices that continue to tell us we're not good enough... that is our only option.

Pushing our bodies and minds past the pain as it screams through our veins... that is our passion.

Looking into the future, and only seeing struggle... this is why success is so sweet.

Creating a fighter out of ashes and torn goals... is it even possible?

We'll never know... because you quit!


Azia said...

ahh! never quit!!! worse thing anyone can possibly do!

Retta said...

I firmly believe that people must burn their bridges... have the mindset that quitting is not an option, NO MATTER WHAT.

Feel like quitting? So what.
Told you might as well quit? So what.
Quitting would be easier? So what.

From the start, the ONLY thing I have done perfectly... is that no matter what, I NEVER QUIT.

Yep, ya hit a hot button for me. I'm very opinionated about this topic. :-)


Calli said...

Reading you always brings a jolt of positivity!

Giving up is simply unacceptable!

I'm sorry I have not visited in ages, but time away has been well spent.

Good to read you again, Dayne!

Hope your summer is awesome!