"You don't need to see the entire staircase... just take the first step."
Martin Luther King, Jr.
I was reminded today that it's all about The Walk! While talking with a student this afternoon, it was obvious that she was overly stressed about something. Long story short... she was focusing all of her energies on her future "finish line," taking her mind away from what's really important: Today's Walk!
Wherever we are now, and wherever we want to be later... doesn't matter without our day-to-day steps. Left foot, right foot ~ one in front of the other. It's so easy to get wrapped up in who we don't want to be, but it's also very common to over focus on our "new selves," taking away from how we plan on getting there. How we get there is what it's all about, and is the only way we assure the outcome we want.
Walk on...
My student was instinctively concentrating on 6 months down the road, where her future will be dictated by certain results. Unfortunately, those results are completely out of her control. The only thing she has control over is the step she chooses to take ~ her every day Walk. Fortunately, she gets to choose which foot steps first.
Whether we're trying to lose weight, quit smoking, stop drinking, exercise more, or all of the above... it's important to know where our "finish line" is, but it's essential to understand the destination will only be realized after we lace-up our sneakers, and get to Stepping.
So true! :)
You don't know how much I needed to hear this.
In about five months I will be trying to do two things; audition for a musical and participate in a Triathlon. Sometimes I get dangerously close to concentrating too much on my desire to be a certain weight by this time, because honestly it is imperative that I am at a healthy weight for the musical.
But it isn't something I can completely control. The only thing I can control is what I'm doing now.
Thanks for the reminder!
Yes, stay with the now - the next step. Be aware of the goal, but stay present to what life is asking of you now.
Good counsel at the beginning of a new year!!
It's a delicate balance, isn't it -- deciding how much to focus on the future and how much to focus on now? Some people focus so much on the future that they forget to live. Some people are so wrapped up in right now that they forget to plan for the future.
Great post. Very thought provoking.
OMG I wrote about this EXACT topic several months ago (http://annie-shrinkinggirl.blogspot.com/2009/08/lights-little-slow-but-its-on-now.html). It's amazing how having these epiphanies can bring everything into perspective!
I LOOOOVE THAT QUOTE! I am going to share it! : )
I'm gonna have to put your posts into a little booklet that I can carry around. They are just great constant reminders of what we need to be aware of..
Great stuff!!
Did you write this for me because of my new healthy endeavor? =)
I needed to hear this today seeing how I woke up with a sore throat and cough and the baby has a snotty nose. One day at a time will get you to the goal.
I couldn't agree more. This post has reminded me to stay focused on "Todays Walk", and don't be to discouraged if the road ahead looks intimidatingly difficult.. One step at a time.. Thank You. And once again, very well written.
(I have the attention span of a 5yr old, so no matter how well the message, if it's not written well enough, my attention begins to drift.. :))
-This post, and others from you, tend to keep me in a trance. Great Writing! Cheers!
I took a walk today.......I might take one tomorrow....but I'll decide tomorrow....
Between Oct 2005 and May 2009 I spent all my time trying to lose weight by focusing on the goal rather than the moment, sometimes it worked for the short term but then i became disheartened and discouraged over my perceived lack of progress, this time i have a goal but my focus is on the moment, which foot i moving next..
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