Nothing to date has ever bothered me much, with the exception of having to duck out of the way of a fast ball coming at my head in the high 80 mph range... that made me prove I was potty trained. Oh, and maybe the shake diet I participated in made me drool for a Rib Eye a bit, but overall, it's been fine.
This next one, I must admit, is making me wish I didn't care how my students felt. I'm having a really hard time figuring out how I'm going to do it. My newest client's choice of sport is... wait for it... hang gliding! Are you kidding me?! Hang-freakin-gliding!! If you knew me, you'd know I'm not too fond of heights above my couch. Changing a light bulb from the ceiling makes me second guess myself, so this jumping-off-a-cliff-and-trying-not-to-fall-to-my-death thing has me a little worried.
Why did I ever create such a stupid, stupid policy?
what a fabulous attitude. where is your conquer your fears and positive thinking? nothing is stopping you from jumping off the cliff besides your fear of doing so..
putting yourself out of your comfort zone is why you created that SMART policy.
Leave it up to you...
My daughter's only year and half.
Plus... those cliffs are high! ;-)
I would opt for a simulation, if I were you. Maybe a 3-D movie?
Oh wow, I WISH I could take your place. I am also terrified of heights...but if I could feel the sensation of flying I would force myself to get over it.
Good luck. I know you can do it! Don't let fear get in the way of a once in a lifetime experience :)
Can't you do an indoor rock climbing and call it even?
can i come? :)
I seem to remember a post way back about fear. Sounds like someone needs to go back and re-read what they wrote.
80 some MPH fastball? Been there, done that.
Sounds like a great policy! And it seems you are living up to it.
It sounds like fun, let us know how it goes!
I know I need to face this fear head-on... and I will, SOMEHOW, or I won't teach her.
How can I help her with what she needs if I'm unwilling to experience the similar situation?!
But... the cliffs are so dang high!!!!
Ah...the very reason I chose not to join any form of air recon in the military...I totally understand where you are coming from...BUT.....You have to be about the most mentally tough person on the block...I'm quite sure you will overcome this as you have everything else...Luck!
I totally agree with Bendigo... I know, without a doubt, you will do this. Zero doubts.
You are just being honest, now, about the feelings you are working through, and will come out the other side to have this amazing adventure.
And wow, what a post THAT will be. I hope you take a camera with you!
Look at it this way, you have so many other things under your belt, this will just add to the list.
You don't want to look back and regret that you didn't give it a try. Besides like everyone else has been saying in so many words... practice what you preach.... get over that fear! You will be fine, and watch you will want to do it again (=
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