Thursday, June 11, 2009

Wake Up

So, I'm laying in bed this morning listening to my text go off on my phone, one after another. The damn thing must've beeped at least 25 times. What's going on? Who needs to get in touch with me this early? I don't care who it is, they can wait... I have a 4 month old... I'm freakin' tired!

Whoever was texting obviously didn't care about my sleep issues- they wouldn't stop! I finally broke down, and checked my phone. You've got to be kidding me... 19 messages from friends and students, all who felt the need to make sure I woke up to a ribbing about starting a blog: 

"Make sure you start your morning with a fearful thought."

"Have a scared day."

"Play it safe, bro."

"Whatever you do, make it realistic!"

Thanks, guys and girls! I'm going back to sleep...

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